Eyes on the Prize: What it’s crucial to focus on in 2018
Eyes on the Prize: The solutions CrafTech can offer its forward-thinking customers in the coming year.
Cloud computing, the Internet of Things, advanced cyber-security, information and data protection. This is where the internet is going; in fact, it’s already there. Can you accurately envision all the technologies that could define the success or failure of your business, its security, crucial data and information flow? CrafTech Computer Solutions can!
As you might expect, security features are a hot internet topic, now that the cloud has proven to be as vulnerable as any other storage system. The solutions we offer make no concessions in terms of efficiency or flexibility and give you the maximum in system security. No matter what your need is, we will get you where you want to go. We protect critical data and intellectual property in the cloud, eliminate the risks of file-sharing, and safeguard your endpoint from the threats of ransomware with signature-less threat detection.
The sheer volume of data stored electronically continues to grow exponentially. Have you looked at exactly what data you have, what you need to store and how to access it, and how to protect it? We offer on-premises as well as cloud and hybrid-cloud backup, high-performance flash-storage, storage management software and disaster recovery systems.
CrafTech will protect you from email threats, outside and in. We constantly update our protections against outsider attacks, like phishing-borne ransomware (malicious software that locks files down until you pay the attacker for the key), spam and email-driven virus. You may not realize that a growing danger to your security may be posed by people on the inside. Your employees may innocently spread an email threat … or they might be careless or untrustworthy themselves. It’s not unheard-of for businesses to fall victim to the emailing of sensitive documents and information. CrafTech maintains safeguards that monitor and fix email threats from within your system, remediating text and attachments between internal or to external users in order to keep your important data from falling into the wrong hands.
Smartphones, Tablets and Laptops
Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies have made the security of mobile devices (particularly smartphones, but laptops and tablets as well) of crucial importance to you. iOS and Android phones, iCloud and Android platforms, and even Windows devices all have their vulnerabilities. With Mobile Device Management (MDM), CrafTech secures your employees’ devices from malicious intent—and protects you.
So, what goals are you setting your sights on for 2018: cyber-security, information and data protection, communications integrity, the management of mobile devices? Or are all of equal importance to you? We can help you refine your objectives and meet your goals. Don’t worry– CrafTech’s got you covered!
Written by: Susan Palmer