Posts in the ‘Viruses’ Category
Malware Alert: IPStorm

As if there wasn’t enough to worry about, another threat is looming on the horizon: IPStorm (not to be confused with the European virus protection package announced on the internet). It’s a very newly discovered Trojan Horse virus, so cunningly crafted that nobody knows what it does. So basically, what we have is the equivalent
Read MoreBah Humbug CYBER ATTACKS Season!

Holidays are here and everyone is browsing the internet shopping and giving the bad guys opportunities to infect your computer. Do not open anything you don’t recognize in your browser to prevent cyber attack. One of the biggest ongoing trends is Cryptominers and crypto-related threats as a whole. Cryptominers have greatly improved their capabilities as
Read MorePCI Compliance- Fraud Prevention

Imagine this scenario: Your business has been moving steadily toward accepting credit card payments, but the bank has declined your PCI Compliance application and you don’t know why. It’s almost as bad as having your credit card declined in front of a line of irate shoppers, isn’t it? Well, no, it isn’t. Especially if you
Read MoreMeltdown and Spectre. How can they affect you?

Breaking News: Meltdown and Spectre. How can they affect you? First, what are they? Both Meltdown and Spectre are attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in computer processors. They break down barriers between two parts of your system (user applications and the operating system) and between different processes that are running on it, so that another malicious
Read MoreWannaCry: The Next Wave of Ransomware

All About WannaCry Ransomware There was a global attack that began on Friday, May 12, 2017, infecting over 200,000 computers in 150 countries that has been halted, thanks to the cybersecurity researcher known as MalwareTech and with the help of Darien Huss from security firm ProofPoint. MalwareTech accidentally came across a domain name that happened
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