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Why To Outsource Your In House IT Department
YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR BUSINESS Outsourcing. it’s an attractive idea, but you might have some doubts. Maybe you had a bad experience, or you know someone who did. How can you tell which is the right company for you, the best fit? How do you know who will do the job efficiently, effectively
Read MoreCrafTech Hosted Exchange Email
What’s CrafTech Hosted Exchange email? CrafTech Hosted Exchange Email is a highly available business grade email service that includes SPAM filtering and optionally encrypted email. Look professional to your customers with your business domain name in your email address (Example: Can your email account sync calendar and contacts? CrafTech Hosted Exchange Email can
Read MoreDoes Your Company Need To Be HIPAA Compliant?
A new rule extends HIPAA compliance requirements to covered entities’ business associates, forcing them to reexamine data security and privacy. Many companies could be considered “business associates” under the new HIPAA compliance rule. These associates include technology services providers such as software vendors, IT support companies, consulting outfits, data processing, companies hosting companies, cloud service providers, as
Read MoreWhat Does Mobile Device Management Mean To You?
What does mobile device management mean to you? Have you come across this in your work place, and do you immediately think of your smartphone? Mobile Device Management (MDM), on the individual and organizational levels, is a way to secure devices from malicious intent. This encompasses laptops, tablets, and smartphones, etc. MDM Security Security of
Read MoreWhy You Need Data Recovery
What is data? That ambiguous word is thrown around in today’s world. Data can be comprised of pretty much anything factual and fictional in theory. It’s what’s done with the information, called data, which makes this the case. Information is used to model and mold calculations or reasoning. Accurately calculating and reasoning correctly can make
Read MoreWhy You Need a New Website Design
Photo by Jens Kreuter on Unsplash These days, it seems like almost everyone has a website or a web presence. Businesses are selling their goods and services. People go shopping for almost everything online. The world is suddenly at our fingertips, and it’s a wonderful thing. If you’re reading this article, chances are you know
Read MoreWannaCry: The Next Wave of Ransomware
All About WannaCry Ransomware There was a global attack that began on Friday, May 12, 2017, infecting over 200,000 computers in 150 countries that has been halted, thanks to the cybersecurity researcher known as MalwareTech and with the help of Darien Huss from security firm ProofPoint. MalwareTech accidentally came across a domain name that happened
Read MoreHow to Proactively Handle Spam Email
Spam Email Everyone has experienced spam, a commonplace inconvenience, but many people are unaware of the danger present with these viral emails. There are many solutions and CraftechRMS offers proactive clean up and prevention of messy spam. The best step is to learn more. Proactively Handling Spam E-mail The first step in stopping spam is
Read MoreHosted Microsoft Exchange 2013
The best email platform on Earth is here! ? Full Exchange not just OWA ? Geo Redundant Databases ? Barracuda Security Included ? SSL Encryption ? Free Active Sync ? Blazing 10Gb Network ? SSAE 16 TYPE II Data Center ? 99.9% UPTIME SLA ? No Contract, Month to Month billing!! ? Only $4 /
Read MoreReady Recovery
Restore with CrafTechRR in less than 5 minutes! Critical to any backup strategy is how easily and quickly you can recover a single file, folder, database or even an entire server. Traditional file based technologies fail to meet the recovery time and recovery point objectives of business today. Using the latest in 4th generation Real-Time
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